domingo, 26 de marzo de 2023

Juegos peligrosos


By Bignueces


El Suzuki estaba avanzando a gran velocidad por la carretera estrecha bordeada de nieve y altos abetos. Al girar en una curva frenó justo enfrente de una verja no muy alta metálica que daba acceso a un jardín completamente cubierto por un manto blanco. En el centro de alzaba una imponente casa de madera de 2 plantas, con el mismo estilo de todas las que salpicaban el paisaje de la pequeña localidad de Breglia.


Del coche bajaron sus 4 ocupantes en dirección edificio, conversando animadamente sobre el día que habían pasado en la montaña, mientras el sol se empezaba a ocultar tras las primeras estribaciones de los Alpes, dejando tras de sí una impresionante puesta de sol.


Lorenzo se quedó atrás cerrando el coche, mientras observaba durante unos instantes con sus profundos ojos negros el reflejo del sol sobre las tranquilas aguas del lago que se escondía entre los árboles. El joven de 20 años, era el más corpulento de los 4, aunque todos tenían unos cuerpos musculosos fruto de su entrenamiento diario en el gimnasio, Lorenzo siempre había tenido una predisposición superior al resto de los chicos a que su musculatura creciera de manera más llamativa, especialmente sus amplios pectorales y ancha espalda. Después avanzaba Mateo, también tenía el pelo muy oscuro, como Lorenzo, pero a diferencia de este, sus ojos grandes y azules siempre habían llamado la atención de las personas que se cruzaban en su camino. Iba hablando animadamente con Fabio, igualmente atractivo como los otros jóvenes, con una mandíbula muy marcada y una prominente nariz que resultaba atractiva en su rostro masculino. Fabio, con el pelo ligeramente más largo que los demás y ondulado de color castaño, contaba con unas piernas especialmente musculosas por su afición al futbol, incluso más poderosas que las de Lorenzo. Por último, encabezando la comitiva iba Alessandro, que a diferencia del resto, tenía el pelo rubio completamente revuelto, con una cara de rasgos más infantiles que le daba un aspecto de inocencia que nada tenía que ver con la realidad de su personalidad, y era ligeramente más delgado y alto que los otros chicos.


Ya era el segundo día de la semana que estarían allí descansando durante las vacaciones de invierno. Alessandro fue el primero en entrar activando la calefacción y encendiendo el fuego de la chimenea del amplio salón. Lorenzo fue a ducharse mientras Fabio y Mateo empezaban a preparar la cena. Un par de horas más tarde, la temperatura de la casa iba subiendo cada vez más, unido a la cantidad de copas de vino que habían tomado durante la cena, terminaron en ropa interior junto a la lumbre de la chimenea, sobre la alfombra jugando a las cartas. Alessandro desapareció durante un periodo largo con la excusa de ir al baño y reapareció arrojando una caja pesada en el centro de la alfombra sobre las cartas.


Fabio le miró molesto “Alex, pero qué haces ¡Estamos en mitad de una partida!” 






Alessadro señaló la caja “mirad lo que he encontrado entre los trastos de una de las habitaciones”


La caja de cartón tenía 2 huevos de gallina dibujados, uno de ellos con la cascara rota y empezando a rezumar la yema de su interior, con un rótulo grande que ponía ¿Tienes Huevos para Jugar?.


Se trataba de un polvoriento juego con un tablero, dados, relojes de arena de diferentes tamaños y varios tacos de cartas. Fabio estaba especialmente excitado, nunca había visto un juego así. Leyendo las instrucciones era muy sencillo, cada uno de los jugadores escribiría en un trozo de papel un deseo que se llevaría a cabo si resultase ganador del juego llegando el primero a la meta del tablero. Por lo demás, había unos símbolos en algunas de las casillas del tablero que obligaban a coger una carta de uno de los montones y cumplir lo que allí decía. La única condición a cumplir era que los jugadores tenían que tener “huevos” para participar.


Después de leer las instrucciones Fabio indicó “tenemos que escoger un taco de cartas para la partida, hay 3 categorías, eunucos, atrevidos o verdaderos machos, jajaja”


Lorenzo agarró su enorme paquete a través de su ropa interior blanca “¡aquí sólo hay un verdadero macho!”


Mateo observaba el juego desconfiado “aquí dice que la elección de la última categoría puede conllevar daños personales irreversibles, ¿no será peligroso?”


“¿Tienes miedo nenaza?” le miró burlonamente Alessandro


“Yo no tengo miedo, ¡os demostraré que soy el más macho de todos!” También Mateo se agarró su paquete mostrándolo desafiante.


Alessandro había leído en secreto algunas de las pruebas antes de bajar con el juego, y miraba ansioso los enormes paquetes de sus amigos. Mientras que él tenía unos testículos de tamaño normal, los de sus amigos eran descomunales. No dejaba mucho para la imaginación la fina tela de los calzoncillos blancos de sus 3 amigos.        


Colocaron el taco de cartas con las pruebas más desafiantes sobre el tablero y empezaron el juego. Al final de la primera ronda, Mateo cayó en una casilla con el símbolo de una carta, cogió una del montón y empezó a leerla.


“Recibirás tantos rodillazos de tus rivales en los huevos, como el número que salga en el dado” Nervioso tiró el dado y salió un 3.


Lorenzo miró sonriente “parece que esto se pone emocionante, empezaré yo”


Lorenzo obligó a Mateo a colocarse contra la pared, con las manos detrás de la espalda y las piernas bien abiertas. Lorenzo a un palmo de la cara de Mateo, sonreía mientras rozaba su rodilla contra el paquete de su amigo, sin previo aviso, enterró la rodilla entre las 2 bolas del semental con una fuerza moderada. Un pequeño quejido se escapó de los labios mientras el dolor recorría su cuerpo, se frotó sus pelotas y ya estaba Fabio colocado en la misma posición, dándole un rápido, aunque no muy fuerte rodillazo en ambas bolas. Otra vez, Mateo se dobló por el dolor acumulado. Por último, tenía al más delgado Alessandro frente a frente. Alessandro quería hacer gritar de dolor a su amigo, y sabía cómo hacerlo. Centro toda su puntería en un solo testículo, y lanzó un rodillazo con todas sus fuerzas a la pelota izquierda. Alessandro notó como aquella bola gigante se aplastaba entre su rótula y el huevo pélvico del muchacho. La masa de aquel órgano era flexible y se aplastó más y más, hasta que llegó casi a los límites de su resistencia. Los enormes ojos azules de Mateo se abrieron en shock.


“¡¡¡Mierdaaaa!!!” cayó al suelo doblado de dolor, mientras sus amigos se burlaban de él. Tardó unos minutos en recuperarse, mientras el juego continuaba.


El siguiente en sacar una carta fue Fabio “te pondrás a horcajadas sobre un objeto sólido, tus rivales asegurarán que el único contacto con el objeto serán tus huevos. Uno de ellos podrá añadir su peso al tuyo por el tiempo que determine el reloj” Tiró el dado y salió un 2. Colocaron el reloj de arena marcado con un número 2 junto al tablero.


Alessandro con sonrisa malévola dijo “deberías usar el brazo de ese sillón, parece de madera muy sólida, desde luego más sólida que tus huevos, jajaja” Se empezaron todos a reír, “Tenemos que ver que realmente solo apoyas las bolas así que deberías quitarte la ropa para verlo con claridad” Alessandro intentó disimular su mirada morbosa.

Fabio no tenía problemas en desnudarse y mostrar los atributos de los que estaba más orgulloso. Se quitó la ropa interior dejando al descubierto 2 testículos grandes muy compactos dentro de su saco de piel oscura y cubiertos de un vello muy fino.


Fabio colocó una pierna a cada lado del brazo del sillón y se asegurando que el único contacto con la madera fuera su masculinidad. La presión no era fuerte, pues todavía tenía los pies apoyados en el suelo, sin embargo los 2 orbes se deformaron considerablemente . 


Alessandro empezó a dar instrucciones “Lorenzo, tu deberías de ponerte encima de él, eres el que más pesa, ¿más de 90 kg?”

Lorenzo se acercó por detrás tocando el culo de Fabio y este se quejó “¡no me toques!” Lorenzo sonreía viendo a su amigo en esa posición tan humillante y encima desnudo, con su culo virgen apuntando a su paquete.


Alessandro acercó el reloj de arena frente a los ojos de Fabio “en cuanto gire el reloj, tienes que levantar los pies del suelo” Giró el reloj y Fabio cumplió su parte. En el mismo momento que levantó los pies, todo su peso aplastó las gigantescas gónadas que pasaron de su saludable forma redondeada a 2 formas totalmente planas bajo su cuerpo. La presión era tan fuerte que quedó paralizado por el dolor. Las 2 bolas estaban al límite de su resistencia, el dolor y la presión eran muy intensas. En ese momento Lorenzo apoyó parte de su peso sobre la espalda de Fabio. Este se inclinó apoyando su pecho en el brazo de madera del sofá, descargando algo de presión de sus atributos masculinos. Alessandro se dio cuenta y con un gesto se lo indicó a Lorenzo, mientras el reloj de arena seguía vaciándose. Lorenzo no tenía previsto poner todo su peso sobre el cuerpo de Fabio, pero no le gustaban los tramposos, así que dejó caer sus 90 kg sobre la espalda del pobre semental unido al peso del propio Fabio.




Las bolas ligeramente peludas se aplastaron a solo una pequeña fracción de su tamaño original, demasiada presión para los testículos de un hombre, la membrana exterior de ambas pelotas se desgarró dejando salir una pequeña parte de su contenido interior a su saco, liberando la presión justa para no explotar como 2 globos de agua.


Los ojos de Fabio se abrieron como platos al sentir ese dolor tan agudo “Ahhhh, ¡joder quita de encima!” Lorenzo se retiró a la vez que el cumplía el tiempo que marcaba el reloj de arena. Fabio se sentó en el suelo acariciando sus bolas maltrechas, sin ser consciente de que estaban literalmente rotas.


Siguieron jugando mientras Alessandro no quitaba los ojos de las bolas desnudas de Fabio, cada vez más hinchadas. En ese momento Lorenzo le dio una palmada en la espalda “Eh, Alex, te estamos hablando a ti” Alessandro salió de su trance, Mateo había caído en otra casilla con un carta, que decía “recibirás tantos puñetazos como indique el dado, los anillos serán bienvenidos”. Las miradas se centraron en las manos de Alessandro, era el único que llevaba anillos. Con una sonrisa malévola deslizó uno de sus anillos, era de acero y tenía una calavera que sobresalía notablemente, lo agitó delante de los ojos brillantes ojos azules de Mateo, que le devolvió la mirada con temor. Arrojó el dado sobre el tablero y salió un 6. Mateo inconscientemente se cubrió con una mano su descomunal paquete compacto dentro de sus calzoncillos.


“Quiero ver esas bolas que estás tapando. Vamos, quítate la ropa machote” le Alessandro mientras hacía crujir sus nudillos, colocando el anillo en su mano derecha.


Mateo deslizó sus calzoncillos, dejando al descubierto una polla grande y dos enormes bolas enrojecidas por el abuso que habían recibido hacía unos minutos, colgando pesadas en el fondo de su saco perfectamente rasurado, con el testículo izquierdo visiblemente inflamado.


Alessandro se arrodillo delante de su amigo y centró su objetivo mientras Lorenzo se acercó por detrás de Mateo y agarró sus manos por detrás de su espalda “no queremos ninguna trampa, ¿verdad?”. Antes de que Mateo pudiera responder, recibió el primer puñetazo directo en el centro de sus gónadas.




El puño de Alessandro impactó con sus fuerzas haciendo un pequeño corte con el anillo en el saco de joven. Las dos bola se movían frenéticamente de un lado a otro por el golpe, cuando vino el segundo.




“¡Ohhhhh!” Mateo intentó forcejear para librarse de su apresor. Pero los impactos vinieron en una sucesión muy rápida, abriendo pequeños cortes en la piel del saco.








Cuando faltaba el último golpe, Lorenzo colocó su rodilla entre las piernas de su amigo, rozando la parte trasera de las pelotas que colgaban pesadamente, y le giñó un ojo a Alessandro. Éste, retrocedió con su brazo para coger todo el impulso posible y lanzó su golpe más devastador.




La enorme bola izquierda quedó atrapada entre el puño de Alessandro y la rodilla de Lorenzo, comprimiéndose más allá de lo esperable para un testículo sin llegar a explotar. No obtante, el anillo penetró más y más en el centro del órgano deformado avanzando hasta tocar al otro lado la rótula de Lorenzo. En ese momento la cáscara del huevo se quebró radialmente desde ese punto.


Mateo cayó de rodillas al suelo sujetando su masculinidad dañada, con la boca abierta sin poder emitir ningún sonido y completamente bizco.


El juego continuó, mientras Mateo y Fabio seguían frotándose sus sacos hinchados.


Esta vez Lorenzo cayó en una casilla en la que tuvo que coger una carta. “recibirás tantas patadas como indique el dado. El ejecutor podrá escoger el calzado que más le convenga”. En esta ocasión salió un 3.


Fabio quería venganza, y por fin tenía su oportunidad “dejadme a mi este turno, no necesito ningún calzado, con mis piernas será suficiente. No necesito que te quites los calzoncillos, quiero ese paquete bien compacto” dijo tocando sus cuadriceps extremadamente desarrollados. Sabía que eran armas de destrucción, pero necesitaba descarga su ira sobre las bolas de Lorenzo.


Fabio colocó a Lorenzo de espaldas, ligeramente inclinado y con las piernas bien abiertas. Los hombros de Lorenzo eran increíblemente anchos en contraste con su delgada cintura, desde atrás, se observaba el enorme bulto blanco que contenía su hombría asomar entre sus piernas. Apoyó las manos contra la pared para hacer resistencia contra lo que sabía que iba a venir.


Los potentes cuádriceps de la pierna derecha de Fabio estaban en tensión, abultados, se podía ver cada fibra muscular mientras su pie se deslizaba a toda velocidad hacia su objetivo.




El pie se enterró en el centro del bulto de Lorenzo aplastando las fábricas de bebés del semental con tanta fuerza, que se elevó unos centímetros del suelo. Lorenzo cerró sus ojos aguantando el dolor y manteniéndose en su posición.


“Espero no haber reventado uno de tus cojones, jajaja” Fabio lanzó otra fuerte patada entre la piernas de Lorenzo, con el mismo resultado.




Lorenzo contuvo el grito que intentaba salir de sus pulmones. Sus pelotas latían de dolor. Alessandro sin embargo, podía quitar la vista del saco que colgaba desnudo entre las piernas de Fabio. Con cada patada, el movimiento hacía balancear sus pelotas en el interior del saco, provocándole tanto dolor casi como el que estaba recibiendo el castigo. No era consciente de que sus propias pelotas tenían una ruptura por la que se salían parte de los túbulos del corazón de sus gónadas, y con cada movimiento la cantidad era mayor y mayor. Pero su sed de venganza le impedía sentir las señales de alarma que le mandaba su cerebro.




A pesar de que la tercera patada fue igualmente fuerte, los testículos de Lorenzo resistieron gracias a las duras membranas que los protegían. Lorenzo se apoyo en la pared conteniendo la respiración.


En las siguientes rondas nadie tuvo que sacar una carta, hasta que le tocó a Mateo.


“No, otra vez a mí, es injusto, ya es la tercera vez, y Alex todavía no ha tenido que sacar ninguna carta. ¡No puede ser!” se quejó Mateo.


En la carta se leía “Uno de tus huevos será apretado durante el tiempo que marque el reloj de arena, pero no es necesario usar la mano. Un cascanueces o alicates serán más adecuados”. Tiró el dado y salió un 6. El reloj de arena más grande.


“Joder, dejádmelo a mí” Dijo Alessandro excitado cogiendo la tenazas de la chimenea.


“¡Estás loco!, no, no, NO!” Mateo intento librarse del abrazo poderoso de Lorenzo, quedando inmovilizado. Alessandro se puso de rodillas entre sus piernas, sujetando las tenazas. La enorme bola izquierda estaba casi del doble tamaño que la derecha, demasiado tentadora para obviarla. Alessandro ensartó el testículo dañado y empezó a apretar.


“¡Para, detente, jodeeeerrr!” Empezó a suplicar Mateo. Pero la cara de sádico de Alessandro dejaba claro que no pararía hasta que el reloj dejase caer hasta el último grano de arena.


El orbe empezó a deformarse en el centro con demasiada facilidad. Alessandro apretó más fuerte. La bola, chafada en el centro, empezó a abultarse en los lados opuestos. Más presión. Casi todos los tejidos internos del testículo se habían desplazado hacia ambos lados.


“¡Nooo, va ha explotar Alex, Ahhhh!!!” Apretó un poco más. Fabio y Alessandro estaban hipnotizados por el espectáculo. La pelota sin nada de pelo, tenía la piel realmente brillante en los dos extremos, intentando contener toda esa materia que hacía que Mateo fuera un hombre. Ninguno de los presentes sabía que las fisuras estaban recorriendo aquella bola quebrada. Lorenzo estaba concentrado en sujetar a su amigo, y observando el tiempo restante del reloj de arena.


Alessandro no sabía si parar en ese momento, pero Fabio le dijo “venga Alex, un poco más fuerte, vamos a ver si ese cojón resiste” Entonces el extremo de las tenazas se juntó en el centro de la enorme bola.


“NOOO, mi huevo, ohhhhh….ohhh!” Los ojos de Mateo se quedaron fijos en el techo y quedó en silencio.




Un sonido seco salió de esa pelota.

El testículo se rompió como si se tratase de un huevo de gallina. La cáscara se abrió en varios puntos y finalmente reventó dentro del saco, llenando el mismo con su contenido valioso. No quedó nada entero.

Al retirar la tenaza, el interior de ese lado del saco quedó sin forma , como si estuviera lleno de arcilla. Lorenzo libero a Mateo seminconsciente, que no comprendía que había perdido una de sus pelotas.


Solo Alessandro comprendía el daño irreparable que habían causado. Dejaron a Mateo gimoteando en el suelo protegiendo lo que quedaba de sus bolas.


El juego continuó, mientras los sacos de Fabio y Mateo se hinchaban más y más por el daño de los orbes que contenían. Alessandro estaba cerca de ganar la partida, siendo el que iba en cabeza. Esta vez Fabio sacó un carta “uno de tus compañeros podrá apretarte los huevos tanto como quiera, mientras siga cayendo la arena. Eres afortunado, podrás ser tú quien escojas al ejecutor”. Fabio miró los voluminosos brazos de Lorenzo, propios de un bodybuilder, y después los de Alessandro, que eran la mitad. Sin dudarlo dijo “Alex, serás tú”, sin saber el error que había cometido al escoger al más sádico de sus amigos.


Lorenzo inmovilizó a Fabio, mientras Alessandro se situó entre sus piernas de rodillas. La visión de Alessandro desde abajo era impresionante, situado entre las dos torres musculosas que formaban las colosales piernas de Fabio, tenía ante su cara el saco hinchado y rojo del semental, cubierto con una fina capa de pelusa oscura. Volteó el reloj de arena y agarró el enorme testículo derecho con sus dos manos. Al sondear la bola comprobó la insana rotura que tenía y empezó a apretar con sus manos. Con satisfacción sentía como la masa del interior de la gónada iba saliendo rellenado el saco, empujó con sus dedos como si se tratara de un tubo de pasta de dientes.


“¡Nooooo! Alex, ¡duele muchoooo!” Empezó a gritar Fabio mientras metódicamente dejaba sin contenido el órgano masculino que tenía entre sus manos. El lado derecho del saco quedo lleno de una masa sin forma. Alessandro no tuvo tiempo de repetir el mismo acto con la bola izquierda, pero estaba satisfecho con su trabajo. El dolor había agobiado tanto a Fabio, que se deslizó mareado al suelo, con la mitad de su masculinidad completamente destruida.


Alessandro tiró el dado, y justo obtuvo la puntación para llegar a la meta. Empezó a dar saltos de alegría “He ganado, ¡¡¡jajaja!!!”


Lorenzo lo miraba con desconfianza “me parece increíble que no hayas sacado ni una sola carta en toda la partida y además has ganado, no habrás hecho trampas, ¿verdad?”


“Vamos Lorenzo, no seas mal perdedor. Ahora mi premio. Venga, leelo tú” Alessandro señalo uno de los 4 trozos de papel en el centro del tablero, concretamente el que él había escrito al comenzar la partida.


Lorenzo lo desenrolló y al leerlo sus mejillas se ruborizaron. Miró incrédulo a Alessandro, mientras Fabio y Mateo seguían retorcidos en el suelo gimiendo de dolor.


“Alex, ¿estás de broma?” En el trozo de papel ponía que Alessandro repetiría todos los castigos desde el comienzo de la partida en el amigo que el designase.


“Lo siento Lorenzo, pero creo que los únicos huevos que pueden soportar todo otra vez son los tuyos. Si no recuerdo mal, todo empezó con 3 rodillazos”


Con resignación, Lorenzo que todavía llevaba puestos sus calzoncillos, empezó a retirárselos. Dejó al descubierto una polla gigante y las 2 pelotas más grandes de la casa. Eran realmente enormes, perfectamente afeitadas, como las de Mateo, pero con la piel mucho más oscura. Colgaban en el fondo del saco tentadoramente. Alessandro se acercó solo unos centímetros a su cara, parecía que iban a besarse, sus labios casi se rozaban “Lorenzo, voy a disfrutar mucho con esto, dime ¿crees que vas a sobrevivir como un hombre entero cuando termine contigo?”









Phil and Mark's Revenge Match (part 3)

By Mr. Phil

Phil and Mark are getting ready in the locker room at the arena. They both decided to take on BB Crusher in a two on one tag match. It took a lot of convincing from the arena owner for them to return back to the wrestling scene, especially after what happened to them the last time, they met up against BB Crusher. It took a few weeks for their balls to recover from all of the abuse that was heaped upon them. After a medical examination they found out that there was some permanent damage with 20% internal scar tissue. They also lost a lot of work during this time since both of them were at a factory that requires heavy lifting. At 23 years old that is the only job that they could find after graduating from college for the moment. With missing work both had bills piling up and needed some money fast. The arena owner gave them a cash advance just for them to come back. This was theirs to keep above the winning prize money. He also provided them with triple thick heavy-duty wrestling trunks. The matching trunks were a deep purple made out of layers of lycra-nylon-spandex. The cups he bought for them were the ones that hockey goal keepers use. They were made out of metal and painted bright orange with only a slight outward curve. He had a seamstress sow the cups inside the crotch area of the trunks so they could not be pulled out.

 Phil and Mark still did not wear jockstraps, so they pulled the trunks up over their bikini briefs. After working out together for a couple of weeks they found out that they had the same taste for the “Hot Stuff” underwear brand. The spandex bikinis offered the best support for their huge balls and they also liked the colours that they came in. The trunks had a snug fit with the cup pressing up to their large balls. Next, they put on their matching purple wrestling boots as they heard the announcer call out their names with their stats.

 They jogged out to the arena floor and jumped into the ring to the cheers of the packed auditorium. The crowd was not happy for them but for the anticipation of what BB Crusher will do to the studs. Phil and Mark almost looked like brothers having the same tight physical bodies and wearing their matching shiny purple trunks.

 The ref was surprised but glad to see both wrestlers return to the ring for another submission match against BB Crusher. Since his presence was limited only to announce the winner, he enjoyed the mayhem that Crusher causes in the ring. He called for the wrestlers to meet up and begin the match.

 Mark started out first, meeting Crusher’s offer for a test of strength. He felt safe doing this since he was wearing the new heavy-duty equipment. Mark was actually winning being able to spread his legs to put more pressure against Crusher. Just as he thought would happen, Crusher lifts his padded knee up between his legs. Mark does not feel anything as the knee hits the cup but hears a strange “CLANK” sound coming from down below.

 Crusher is able to keep his knee up against Mark’s purple bulge as he tries to stay balanced during the test of strength. Then he slowly brings it down taking the front of the trunks and the cup down with the knee. The industrial magnet that Crusher inserted inside his knee pad was performing its job well.

 Mark looks down to see the front of his trunks pull away with his cup attached. He loses his concentration with the test of strength as he tries to figure out what is happening. He lets go of Crushers hands and move them to the front of trunks.

 As Crusher moves his foot back, he grabs the trunks with the protective cup inside off the magnetic knee pad. Holding the outside edges with his hands, he pulls back as far as the trunks will allow before letting go. A loud slapping sound is heard throughout the arena as Crusher lets go.

 All Mark could do was watch in bewilderment as he seen the purple trunks stretching away from his crotch. He could feel the strong elastic of the leg openings pull out to their limit before Crusher let go of the cup. Mark lets out a terrible scream as the metal cup crashes into his soft nuts. The impact to his balls causes Mark to double over and fall backwards onto the mat.

 Crusher grabs both of Marks legs and spreads them open in a wide “V”. He plants his right booted foot over Marks bulge and smiles down at him.

 Mark lays there taking in deep breathes trying to recover from his hurting nuts. He sees Crusher open his legs apart and plant his foot onto his bulge. But he does not feel any pressure with the cup protecting his balls. Mark watches Crusher start to rapidly rub his foot up and down over the trunk covered cup. There is no pressure or pain as friction builds between the boot and cup. When Mark pushes himself up on his elbows, he looks down at his crotch and notices something strange. On each side of his cupped groin fine purple fibres of nylon-spandex are falling onto to floor of the mat. When Crusher increases his momentum, thicker shavings start to fly off from the cup area. Mark starts to panic as more of the shiny purple strands fall on the white mat.

 Crusher smile grows wider as he to notices purple squiggles of fabric accumulating on the mat. His plan of wearing down the thick trunks to get at the cup seems to be working. He applies all of his weight on the foot doing the rubbing, feeling the boot chafe through the first and then the second layer of the nylon-spandex trunks.

 In an attempt to stop the damage, Mark grabs Crushers right foot with both hands and pushes his foot off his crotch. Holding onto the foot he thrusts up throwing Crushers leg up in the air. Crusher losses his balance and falls hard onto his back. Mark looks down at his trunks with somewhat relief that there is still a layer of fabric covering his cup. But as he looks harder, he can see the colour of orange showing through the final layer. He figures that there is enough coverage and starts to get on his feet. When he stands up the heavy metal cup presses down in front of the trunks. Mark feels the cup pull away from his balls and looks down to see what is happening. He becomes concerned when he sees the bright orange cup jutting down through the thin material. He realizes that he will have to be more cautious with his moves so the cup does not burst through. To be safe Mark carefully walks over to Phil and tags him in.

 Phil sees Crusher slowly get up on his feet with his back towards them. He runs into the ring with flying drop kick to Crushers back. Crusher flies across the ring into the ropes and rebounds backwards. Phil is ready with another flying kick to Crushers lower back. Crusher lets out a yell as his back is pummelled and flips over Phil’s booted foot landing hard on his back.

 Phil watches as Crusher bounces on the mat with his back arched up for relief. He quickly moves over grabbing the bottom of Crushers feet and spreads them in an open “V”. Phil smiles as he looks down at Crushers unprotected bulge as he anticipates his revenge. Phil confidently spreads his legs for more leverage as he pushes Crushers legs further apart. He does not pay attention to what Crushers hands are doing as he looks over at Mark cheering him on from their corner.

 Crushers back is aching and now pain is crimping his inner thigh muscles as his legs are spread apart. He moves fast as he knows what is about to happen to his balls and digs out an object from the side of his square cuts. He looks up watching Phil look straight ahead with his legs spread wide for leverage. Even through the thick trunks, Crusher can see where the cup protrudes out. He turns on the device in his hands and aims it at Phil’s open crotch.
 The device shoots hitting Phil square in his purple bulge.

 Phil screams letting go of Crushers legs as an electrical shock shoots through his balls. He staggers back trying to keep his balance as another shock runs across his balls. He finally crumbles to the mat from the pain holding onto his protected crotch. His head is spinning as he tries to figure out what is happening to his nuts.

 Crusher’s legs suddenly fall to the mat as they are let go. He was able to watch when the first tazer hit Phil’s pouch and was able to get in a second shot as well. Crusher knew he had to get up quick since he was using a miniature tazer that would only be effective for a short period of time. He gets behind Phil grabbing his arms away from his groin and pulls him up on his wobbly feet. He Irish whips Phil into the opposite ropes, waits for the rebound and clothes line him across his chest. Phil lands hard on his back bouncing off the mat. On the third bounce Crusher grabs Phil’s arm and whips him up into the turnbuckle. Phil hits back first into the corner making his legs and arms fail about from the impact. Crusher quickly entangles Phil’s arms and legs through the ring ropes on either side. Phil is now suspended with his crotch wide open.

 Dazed from having his back smashed into the turnbuckle, all Phil can do is look down at his purple bulge. He still did not know what hit him last time but he still felt safe with his protective cup. He realized that he was tangled in the ring ropes at Crushers corner and needed to get free to tag out to Mark. Phil looked up as Crusher came toward him standing a couple of feet away. He noticed him holding a square black device that looked like a garage door opener with two short prongs sticking out. Phil watched as Crusher aimed at him low and pressed a top button. A small electrical sound was made as a thin blue line shot across hitting him in the centre of his purple bulge. Phil screamed as a shock ran over the metal cup and into his balls. He tried to pull his legs together for protection but they were held apart by the ropes. Another blue line came across hitting the front of his trunks. All Phil could do was scream out as he watched line after blue line hit the centre of his crotch. Small whiffs of smoke started to rise as the first layer and then the second of nylon-spandex burned away. His full balls felt like they were being singed from the repeated zaps they were receiving. All he could do was cry out for Crusher to stop this torment his balls were going through. Suddenly the zaps did stop just before Phil was going to pass out.

 Mark watched from his corner for a short time until he figured out how Crusher was attacking Phil’s crotch. In a rage he ran behind Crusher kicking with his booted foot up between his legs. He watched as Crusher fell to his knees dropping the electrical device. Mark swiftly kicked between his legs again before Crusher had a chance to fall flat on his stomach. Mark ran over untangling Phil from the ropes so he could nurse his hurting balls. He then turned around to see Crusher hunched over still holding his groin. Mark went behind him with another kick hitting the back of Crushers balls. He then easily grabbed Crushers arms up his back into a nelson lifting him up on his feet.

 Phil was finally regaining his strength to stand up. His balls felt like they were burning but he had to get up as he seen Mark have Crusher in a vulnerable position. When he stood up, he looked down to see his orange protective cup showing through the last purple layer of his trunks. Just like Mark, the cup was ready to break through the fabric. He also noticed the tazer device on the floor of the mat and picked it up. He stood up looking at Mark as he had Crusher in a full nelson. Phil noticed that Crushers legs were spread apart as he struggled to get free from the painful hold. This was his chance for some payback for what Crusher just did to his balls. Phil stood triumphal with his legs spread, left hand on his hip, the right one stretched out holding the tazer aimed at Crushers crotch. He winked at Mark as he pressed the button letting a blue electrical line shoot out forward. But to everyone’s surprise the blue current arched down in a half circle and aimed back between Phil’s legs. The electrical energy was drawn back to Phil’s now magnetized metal cup. Phil screamed as the shock wave went through his balls again. This latest hit disintegrated the final layer of nylon-spandex that held the metal cup in place. At first this might be a good thing but now the front of his trunks is gone leaving him only with his bikini underwear for protection. And what a sight it was for everyone to see the front of Phil’s briefs as his swollen balls sprang out. The crowd laughed at his fancy black underwear that had a design on the front. Over each bulge was a thick, shiny red lightning bolt that ran from the top to the bottom each ball sack. Phil’s hands quickly went to his crotch not only form the pain in his burning balls but also from the embarrassment of his underwear. All he could think through the nauseating pain raising through his stomach is that this is not how the match is supposed to happen.

 Mark was stunned watching what happened to Phil making him lose his concentration and loosening his grip on Crusher. Crusher took this opportunity to bring his arms down thrusting them back into Marks sides. This made Mark release the hold completely as his hands went back to where his kidneys are located.

 Crusher spun around and rams the knee pad with the magnetic insert up to Marks crotch. He swings his foot down bringing the metal cup down as it stretches through the fabric. Crusher takes a few steps back extending the purple nylon spandex to its limit. The orange metal cup rips through the final layer sticking to the top of the knee pad.

 Now it is Marks turn to stand in embarrassment as the front of his underwear bulges out exposing his fancy underwear. Underneath his purple trunks he had on a bright yellow pair of bikini briefs with a design over the front too. His was alternating red and white thin stripes in a circle with a red centre – a bull’s-eye! Mark just stood there trying to cover the front of his briefs while trying to figure out what just happened.

 Crusher takes the metal cup off the magnet, turns it over and puts it back on the knee pad. The cup now concaves out over the powerful magnet. With Mark still distracted he rams his loaded knee into his crotch. Marks fingers take the crushing hit and push into his balls. Mark moves his injured hands away to hold them leaving his crotch open. Crusher rams his knee in again this time hitting directly into Mark’s nuts. Before Mark could double over, he grabs his arm and whips him over to where Phil is standing in the corner trying to recover. Marks body slams into Phil’s pushing them both back into the ring turnbuckles. Using the bulls-eye as a target, Crusher runs up with a swift boot between both of their legs. His boot connects smashing two sets of balls at the same time. A double yell of pain is heard from the two wrestlers as they slump further into the corner. Crusher grabs Mark again whipping him across the ring into the opposite corner where he hits back first into the turnbuckles. This leaves Phil slumped down in pain in his original corner. Crusher easily traps Phil’s arms and legs into the ring ropes as before leaving his balls protruding out in his underwear.

 Crusher then runs over to where Mark is slumped in his corner, only stopping when his loaded knee pad collides into Mark’s balls. The magnet still holds the cup in place as he rams his knee again into Mark’s unprotected bulge. The orange metal cup completely covers the bulls-eye as it digs into the large nuts. With Mark weakened, he easily entangles his arms and legs through the ring ropes just like Phil’s. Crusher looks down with amusement at Mark’s crotch noticing the bulls-eye pulsing as his balls rapidly swells up.

 Mark keeps yelling out as his scrotum feels like they are being pulverized into his pubic bone from the blows. His battered balls feel heavier as they engorge with fluid. Panic ensues as he thinks about how much more damage they can take. Mark does not know about Phil but he is ready to submit to the ref. The only thing is that the ref cannot be found in the ring as he looks around. To some relief he sees Crusher walk away from him towards Phil’s corner.

 Crusher walks over to where Phil is strung up, grabbing the tazer along the way off the ring floor. He stops a few feet in front of Phil chuckling at the site before him. There he sees the two shiny red lightning bolts against the black bikinis protrude out over the plump balls. Crusher raises the tazer and sends an electric shock to Phil’s right nut. Then he aims again but sends one over to his bulging left nut. He keeps alternating sending blue arcs of electric repeatedly into Phil’s ball pouch.

 Phil’s screams of agony could barely be heard over the cheering crowd. All he can do is look down as his head feels dizzy from the torment. As his scrotum feels jolt after jolt of electric into his sack as he notices traces of steam rising from his underwear pouch. He can smell musk like order as his loaded sperm feels like it’s ready to boil. He tries to screech out his submission but is unable to put any legible words together through the zapping pain in his nuts.

 Finally the tazer runs out of power and the zapping comes to a stop. Crusher notices steam rising from Phil’s bulge and also sees that the bright red lightning bolts had turned a dark brown. Done with his job here, Crusher turns around and heads over to Mark’s corner

 Mercifully Phil’s torture to his balls has stopped. He worries for his manhood as his scrotum still feels the heat from the frying they took. Phil also wonders if they are now permanently sterilized as immense pain still radiates deep in his sack.

 Mark starts to plead shaking his no as Crusher approaches him. Before Mark could completely say his submission, he is cut short with a boot to his balls.

 Crusher moved in fast with the kick making sure the steel toed boot connected in the centre of Mark’s bulls-eye pouch. To keep Mark from submitting, Crusher yanked off what remained of Mark’s trunks and stuffed them his mouth. Then Crusher began to alternate knees and kicks into the swollen nuts. The bulls-eye over the enlarged balls made it even more enticing to bash them in. Mark’s metal protective cup was still attached to Crusher’s knee pad and kept flattening his bulge when driven in. With each kick of his boots, Crusher made the steel toe edge burrow deep into Mark’s scrotum.

 Mark’s screams could faintly be heard with the trunks in his mouth. He was in a panic as he could feel the boot grind into the centre tissue of each nut. Then Mark felt it happen as a toe edge dug into his swollen scrotum. It was too much pressure for the testes to take as they both ruptured inward from the last kick. Mark let out a muffled screech before passing out.

 Crusher felt Marks balls give way with the last kick. He looked down at Mark’s pouch and seen the bulls-eye sagging down between his legs. The red and white lines were distorted as they were no longer filled out with Mark’s firm balls.

 Returning back to his corner to leave, he passes by Phil who is still strung up trying to recover from his attack. Crusher could not resist giving a parting kick to Phil’s pouch. A crunching sound was heard as Crusher’s boot smashed into what remained of the fried and brittle balls. Phil finally gets to mercifully pass out from the pain.

Mark’s Rough Match (part 2)

By Mr. Phil

Mark finished pulling on his silver wrestling singlet over his brief underwear. He preferred the smooth feeling of his nylon briefs under his Lycra singlet than wearing a jock strap. The wrestling singlet is the same one he used in college and fitted very tightly over his large balls and bubble butt, especially since he put on twenty more pounds of muscle. His matches were usually against other guys like him who wanted to still wrestle and make few extra bucks on the weekend but in sane matches. The promoter of the arena told him that if he wanted to continue wrestling here, then he is going to have to go up against some of the veteran wrestlers in a submission match.

At first Mark was going to drop out but he really needed the money for his student loans as his new job was not covering all of his expenses. For tonight’s match he decided to wear a protective cup since he heard that he is going up against the “BB CRUSHER”. He never had to wear one before as the referees in college were very strict about illegal moves. So, on his way over to the arena he bought a cup at a discount store. He ripped opened the package throwing the wrapping on the floor and inserted the cup between his briefs and singlet. He did not read the large lettering on the package stating “FOR LIGHT ATHLETIC SPORTS ONLY”. The curved cup stretched his singlet even tighter around his waist area making an obvious outline in front. It also stretched the shiny silver material over his bubble butt so that you can almost see his colored underwear showing through.

He heard his name being called next and strutted out to the arena. BB CRUSHER was already in the ring as the ref came over to Mark as he climbed through the ropes. The ref checked Marks knee and elbow pads as he lightly patted him down. Mark assumed that Crusher was already checked since he was there first. The bell rings and the wrestlers circle each other fending different test moves. Mark being younger and quicker lunges forward grabbing Crusher by his waist picks him up and throws him down hard flat onto his back. Even before Crushers body stops bouncing, Mark picks him up again, lifts him waist high before dropping him over his extended knee in a backbreaker. Mark pushes one hand down on Crushers chin and the other on the upper thigh just below his bulging square cuts. Mark hears Crusher grunting as he applies more pressure to the holds.

Crusher’s struggling body moves over the knee enough to allow him to jab an elbow into Marks crotch. Again, the loaded elbow pad makes another quick jab into the cup. The thin cup absorbs some of the blows but Mark feels a sharp pain radiating from his balls. He releases Crusher dropping him onto the mat and hunches over on his knees from his hurting nuts. Crusher lands on his back arching it from the mat in pain. Mark knows that he has to keep moving fast so he stands up and then drops down delivering a leg smash across Crushers chest. He stands up again grabbing Crusher by his hair and the front waistband of his black square cuts pulling him up on his feet.

As Crusher is pulled up in front of Mark, he is able to thrust a loaded knee pad into Mark’s bulge. Mark staggers in shock with his legs still spread, giving Crusher the opportunity to slam another knee into the open groin that lifts Mark two feet up in the air. Since the cup was not made to take this much punishment, a vertical crack forms in the centre of the curve causing splits down to the left and right side of where it covers each ball. Marks mouth opens in a scream from his aching balls which makes him fall to his knees and hunch over resting his head on the mat while holding his crotch. This causes his ass to stick up in the air stretching the singlet to its fullest extent over his bubble butt.

Crusher moves behind Mark and chuckles as he sees Marks bright briefs showing through the shiny singlet. He thinks to himself what a pansy Mark is to wear protective cup and fancy underpants into the ring. This could be more fun than he imagined. So, he reaches down grabbing the distressed singlet that is covering over Marks butt and yanks backwards. A loud ripping sound is made as a large patch of Lycra tears away exposing Marks briefs. The crowd on that side of the rings laughs at the sight of the bright blue briefs contrasting to the dark silver singlet. Mark becomes more embarrassed from receiving low blows to having his underwear exposed in front of his fans.

He also can not figure out why his balls are in so much pain when he is wearing a protective cup. Mark stands up with his hands behind him, checking the rip in the backside of the singlet. Crusher uses this distraction to run at Mark and push him against the ring ropes. Marks body arches from the force as his back leans onto the ropes. Crusher follows up with a knee into the crotch. A loud cracking sound is heard as the loaded knee pad makes contact with the damaged cup. This causes the single crack that formed over each ball to spider out and collapse into the sore nuts. Mark screams out clutching his groin as he falls to his knees from the pain.

As he moves his hand over the cup area, it gets a sharp jab into his palm. He quickly moves it away and looks down the front of his singlet. There he sees a large piece of the plastic cup pushing out the Lycra about two inches from where his balls are. A white tip of the jagged point can be seen underneath the shiny silver material as it stretches out. Mark realizes that he must be careful on how he moves or the busted cup will rip through.

With Mark being distracted again, Crusher grabs his arms throwing him across the ring into a corner turnbuckle. Mark’s back hits the turnbuckle hard making his body slump in the corner. He is unable to mount much of a defensive as pain still radiates from his now swelling nuts. Crusher rushes in entangling both arms and legs on each side of the ring ropes. All Mark can do is look down at his suspended crotch with relief that snagged cup did not rip through. Crusher now notices Marks predicament and sends a kick aimed at the bottom part of his balls. The steel toed boot pushes the crushed nuts up causing the pointed plastic to jut through the Lycra. Mark watches as the jagged edges slice the shiny silver singlet.

Crusher grabs the protruding plastic along with the remaining cup pieces and yanks them out tearing a large hole in the front of Marks singlet. Marks agonized balls swell out his underwear briefs. There are hoots and laughter from Crusher and the crowd that can see the front of Marks pouch. Right against the bright blue background is a bold yellow and red “S” emblem over were the balls are. Mark was wearing his favourite Superman briefs tonight. But now he wished that he wore plain white or even grey ones to match his singlet.

Using the “S” as a target, Crusher kicks his steel toed boot into the completely vulnerable balls. Mark lets out an anguished scream as the boot pounds into his defenceless nuts. The last kick manages to shake him lose from the ring ropes but only enough for his butt to fall on the mat. His legs are still suspended up leaving his crotch wide open. Marks balls have him in such a dizzying pain that he barely hears Crusher yell out to the crowd about so much for the man of steel undies protecting him today. Mark looks down at his crotch noticing that his huge balls are resting right on the mat. The bright yellow and red S emblem seems to pulse as his nuts swell out from their prior abuse. He decides to try and save his balls from any more damage and looks around for the ref to give in. He does not see the ref but notices Crusher at the opposite corner of the ring get a running start towards him. Crusher at full speed drops down on the mat with one foot sticking straight out like a baseball player.

All Mark can do is watch in horror as Crusher comes at him with a baseball slide aimed at his bulge. The heel of the black boot mashes into the pouch so deep that you cannot see any of the yellow and orange S showing from the briefs. A squishing sound is heard just as Mark lets out a high-pitched scream. Jolted from the slam, Marks arms and legs fall free from the ropes. But Crusher still sits there with his heel imbedded into the balls. All mark can do is feebly claw at the black boots trying to free his nuts. Crusher stands up pulling the weakened Mark up with him, one hand in his hair and the other one pulling his right arm up his back. Mark screams as his tortured balls spring back from being compressed so long. Another scream as the heavy pouch bounces down from the standing position. Everyone can see the S emblem grossly protruding out before him as Crusher parades Mark around the ring. There is still no sight of the ref because he is enjoying the show along with everyone else.

They both stop in the centre of the ring with Crusher holding him up only by his hair. He rips off what remains of the wrestling singlet leaving Mark in his shiny briefs. Crusher then falls to one knee bringing Mark down in a back breaker. He then proceeds with a one-handed claw to Mark’s face and one grabbing his wide-open bulge. Mark screams out his submission over and over again as Crusher squeezes and pulls at the swollen nuts. The ref reluctantly comes over to take the plea of submission and declare Crusher the winner. With a final twist to Mark’s balls, Crusher lets him fall to the mat in a crumbled heap. All Mark can do is lightly clutch his balls in a foetal position as Crusher parades around the ring in a victory pose.

The ref goes over to Mark to help him get up. Someone else enters the ring to assist the ref after Crusher leaves. He happens to be Phil who tangled with Crusher about three weeks ago with the same results. Phil along with the ref is able to get Mark on his feet and out towards the aisle that leads to the locker room. They have Mark propped up on either side of them with their arms entangled over their shoulders. The crowd that is lined up on both sides starts to boo and yell at Mark as he passes what once were his fans. He hears them heckle about his Superman undies and start to throw popcorn along with other things at his swollen pouch.

One person threw a plastic ashtray that they must have taken from the concession stand counter at Mark’s “S” emblem. Even though the ashtray was light, it still made Mark twinge as it bounced off his very sensitive nuts. Someone else got the same idea but used a full plastic ketchup bottle that slammed into the bright orange and red “S”. Mark let out a scream and tried to hunch over from the impact. Mark was becoming very concerned for his balls as they swelled up even more from the abuse. Phil and the ref struggled to hold him up straight in order to move him quicker down the aisle to the protection of the locker rooms. They had about thirty more feet to go though. This gave the crowd an opportunity to hurl more things at Mark. Using the bright shiny “S” as a target, Mark’s bloated balls were pummelled with more bottles of ketchup, mustard and mayo. He thought his balls were going to explode from the tremendous pain that they were in. As they got within a few feet to safety a final blow was delivered into his bulge. It was a completely filled, chrome napkin dispenser. The heavy narrow square box rammed all the way into the pouch, completely covering the entire orange and red emblem. Mark gave a weird high-pitched scream that could be heard over the heckling crowd before passing out. The trio finally made it through to the safety of the locker room door. But it was too late for Mark’s balls. As Phil and the ref laid Mark on top of a table, they noticed that the bulging S emblem has shrivelled down to half of its original size. Phil went to get the doctor as the ref returned back out to the ring.